Empowered Dream Hunts Inc. was very busy and involved with sharing time and gifts with many individuals and groups in 2021. In January, Tommy Namore, from Oshkosh, WI utilized one of the Empowered Dream Hunts Inc. trailers to pick up his bear mount. He harvested the bear with Dick Verbsky’s Disadvantaged Adventures in Winter, WI in 2019. Empowered Dream Hunts Inc. helped Fishin For a Mission with a raffle of an ice shack to raise funds for a local family that has a child with cancer. This family was given funds from this raffle in March. Also, during Fishin For a Mission’s fishing tournament, Empowered Dream Hunts Inc. provided the use of Action Trackchairs to assist people to get out on the ice and fish during the tournament.
March through June was very active. Joe Ramsey, Founder/President of EmpoweredDream Hunts Inc. assisted multiple turkey hunters of various ages and abilities. Action Track Chairs, blinds, and trailers were loaned out to assist individuals to enjoy their hunt for the elusive turkeys. A great time was had by all. In June, Empowered Dream Hunts Inc. received a large donation of gently used hunting clothing. Over the course of the summer and into late fall, this hunting clothing was able to be shared with many Veterans, youth, and outdoor enthusiasts.
Empowered Dream Hunts Inc. was out and about quite a bit in June and July. At theVeterans’s Weekly Cup of Coffee at Denny’s in Rothschild, Joe Ramsey shared opportunities available through Empowered Dream Hunts Inc., including the use of Action Track Chairs, hunting equipment, and adventures available on properties near Central Wisconsin. Joe Ramsey also had the opportunity to present the “Pen of Honor” to a WWII Veteran. The creator of the “Pen of Honor '' wishes to remain anonymous. The creator builds the bullet pens and donates them in pen sized gun cases to honor Central Wisconsin Veterans. Joe Ramsey assists in presenting them to deserving Veterans. Joey Ramsey (Freshman at Mosinee High School) and Luke Anderson (graduate of Wausau West High School and present Marion Military Institute student) also participated in the presentation of the special “Pens of Honor.”
Empowered Dream Hunts Inc. participated in the 4th of July festivities in Mosinee, WI, including the parade and helping with the petting zoo at River Park. Later in July, Empowered Dream Hunts Inc. traveled to Winneconne, WI to participate in the Sovereign State Day Parade. A Veteran (using an Action Trackchair) and his son joined Joey and Joe Ramsey on the journey through the parade. Another adventure that the Action Trackchair was involved in during the summer, encompassed the Annual Summer Boy Scout Camp by Rhinelander, WI. Luke Anderson surprised his Boy Scout Leader, who is in a wheelchair, with the Action Trackchair. This piece of equipment helped the Boy Scout Leader get around on the camp grounds so much easier, especially when it came to getting through mud, branches, and rough terrain.
Empowered Dream Hunts Inc. Annual Banquet in August brought lots of amazing people together. So many people gave of their time and talents to make the banquet one to return to. Thank you to those who sponsored, donated, volunteered, or participated in this event. This fundraiser banquet funds adventures for future recipients.
Bill Bishop Sr. from New London, WI was Empowered Dream Hunts Inc. first recipient for fall 2021. Mr. Bishop Sr. is an Army National Guard Veteran and a Retired Police Chief. At the end of August, he went to Wilderness Whitetails and had the opportunity to harvest a beautiful deer in full velvet with his wife, son and grandson. Mr. Bishop Sr. was also given a special quilt made by a lady who makes lap quilts for Veterans. This was a very special experience for the Bishop family, as memories were made, and a “one last time” experience was had. These are Bill Jr. 's and Mr. Bishop Sr.’s words, “Dad said, first and utmost it was a huge surprise and he feels very honored to know that he is the very first to receive such a thoughtful and beautiful gift. The person that made the quilt is unbelievably a very talented and detailed person. She did anAMAZING job. We love the patch on the back. With the help of God and the luck of a deercoming out in the middle of a thunderstorm I was able to get my deer on the date that is on the back of the quilt. The deer has been named: Rain Deer. Thank you so much we love it and God bless you. Bill Bishop Sr. and Virginia.”
Scott Hunter from Luck, WI was Empowered Dream Hunts Inc. second recipient for2021. Mr. Hunter is an E2 Fireman Apprentice in the US Navy from 1981-1984. He was on the aircraft carrier, USS Kitty Hawk. This is Mr. Hunter’s story, “My family and I arrived at the Wilderness Whitetail hunting preserve in Rosholt, Wisconsin the afternoon of September 17. We were extremely impressed by the welcome and the accommodations that were provided for us. Greg Flees, one of the owners and my guide Hunter O’Connor explained how the hunt would work. After getting settled in, Hunter took my brother, Tom, and I out to the stand I would be hunting out of. During the hunt, we saw several deer and I was able to harvest a nice 8 point, mature typical buck which scored 159 and 5/8. I was thrilled beyond words. During my stay that weekend, I was able to spend quality time with many members of my family and friends. We had a wild game feed on Saturday night which is a hunting camp tradition in our family. It was great to be able to hunt with family again and brought back memories of former hunts at our family hunting camp. On Saturday Joe brought the Action Trackchair to the ranch for me to try out. I found it to be very useful for the outdoors such as going through cornfields and up anddown embankments. This is a great asset for the Empowered Dream Hunt organization. I want to thank Greg and Hunter of Wilderness Whitetail for their help in getting me back in the woods again and for a successful hunt. Also a big thank you to Joe Ramsey of Empowered Dream Hunts and his family. A special thanks to his son Leo for the awesome cheesecake that he made for the game feed. This was an opportunity I will never forget.”
Ethan Herman, Mosinee, WI was Empowered Dream Hunts Inc. third recipient for2021. Ethan was able to harvest his whitetail buck on the last day of September 2021 atWhitetails Of A Lifetime. After 5 nights of hard hunting, Ethan has his venison and a storyto tell. He was able to enjoy his hunt with his dad, Dave Matis (guide), Joe Ramsey, DonWinter (camera man), and Randy Brown (camera Man). It was great to see Ethan’s smile!
Levi Glaze was the fourth recipient selected to have a hunt of a lifetime. Levi is theson of Deputy Dan Glaze, Rusk County Sheriff's Office, WI, End of Watch Oct. 29, 2016.Levi was only 5 years old when his dad was tragically killed in the line of duty. Levi's momSarah said, "I think the thing his dad was most excited about was sharing his love of allthings hunting and outdoors with his son. He always said some of his favorite memorieswere of the night before opening day, when his family would gather. While he is not here to see it, it would bring him great joy to know that Levi has that love for hunting. The end of October is a hard time for our family, but it is also the time when his dad had his besthunting experience. On Halloween night, nearly 20 years ago, Levi’s dad shot his biggestdeer. What a better time to honor his dad, and get the deer of a lifetime, than the end ofOctober. Levi is beyond excited about this opportunity! This is an opportunity of a lifetime, with memories that will last just as long."– Sarah Glaze. Levi harvested a beautiful whitetail buck from Whitetails of a Lifetime on October 28th. The Weiland family joined in with this hunt in support of Sarah and Levi Glaze. Not only was Deputy Dan Glaze honored and remembered through this experience, Levi was able to carry on with an activity his dad would have done with him. This was a very special time for the Glaze family. In November, Empowered Dream Hunts Inc. and a Veteran from Northwoods Postfrom Merrill, WI traveled to I39 Supply to go to the 5th Annual Deer Camp Breakfast inPortage, WI. I39 Supply shared, “Thanks again to EVERYONE who helped, attended,donated, and supported our 5th annual Deer Camp Breakfast! We had close to 800 people join us and the rough amount of donations for Empowered Dream Hunts Inc. is absolutely incredible.” We are so appreciative of those out there who are supportive of our mission to help everyone that we can get outside and enjoy God’s Creation. Thank you to all who donated!
October, November, and December hunting season brought more hunters togetherthrough the nine-day disabled season, bow season, and gun season. Action Track Chairshave been checked out to help hunters this fall. Joe, Joey, and Leo Ramsey helped mentora hunter through the nine-day disabled season. This hunter successfully harvested 2 doesout a blind that was donated this fall.
There has been great comadorie, special moments, and memories made through2021. Thank you to Empowered Dream Hunts Inc. officers and helpers, Joe Ramsey, RickJamroz, Laurie Ramsey, Conrad Patrick Jr, Randy Brown, Don Winter, Joey Ramsey, andLeo Ramsey. for their efforts in behind the scenes work and also help provided duringevents. Also, thank you to all who have participated in the Annual Banquet, raffles, hunts,and other events. We are blessed to have the support of the Mosinee Community andsurrounding areas to be able to provide opportunities to assist people to get out and enjoy God’s Creation.
We are thankful for everyone's support of our organization and the ability to provide experiences in the outdoors for those with challenges. We are blessed to have been able to help a few youth, Veterans, and Police Officers this fall, as it happened with so many people giving of their hard-earned money, time, and gifts.
Thank you all again who have supported our mission to help the specially-abled outdoor enthusiasts living in the Wisconsin communities to overcome nature's challenges, break barriers and develop friendships to fulfill a dream. Please mark your calendars for our Annual Fundraiser Banquet for 2023: August 19th at Rib River by Accentu, Inc.. Details will be coming. If you would like to get involved with Empowered Dream Hunts Inc., through assisting with fundraising, hunts, video, or sharing any other gifts/talents that you have, please contact Joe and Laurie Ramsey 715-693-3322.
2019 Waupaca Youth & Veteran Learn to Deer Hunt
By: Conservation Warden Jonathan Kaiser
We are happy to report another safe
and successful Learn to Hunt [LTH]
for deer program in Waupaca. Again
this year, Warden Supervisor Dremel,
Warden Kernosky, and Warden Kaiser partnered with a local landowner who generously donated access to their property to make this hunt happen. Warden Kaiser also worked with Niemuth’s Steak and Chop Shop in Waupaca who kindly agreed to provide butchering services for the successful hunters along with Action Arts Taxidermy near Waupaca who donated a deer shoulder mount for Veteran Tom Walker’s buck as a “Thank You” for Walker’s military service.
Both were a great, safe hunts as well as an experience that all of us will remember! We especially want thank the generous landowner, Niemuth’s Steak & Chop Shop of Waupaca, Action Arts Taxidermy of Waupaca, the Chain O’ Lakes Conservation Club, and the Wisconsin Department of Veteran Affairs for allowing us to continue the legacy of the Learn to Hunt program!
We would like to introduce Tom Walker, a residence at the local King [Waupaca] Veteran’s Home. Tom enjoys the opportunity to deer hunt as well as target shoot, but he has not been able to much in recent years! After working cooperatively with the Wisconsin Department of Veteran Affairs [DVA] and the King Veteran’s Home Activity Coordinator Amy Formella, the hunt was planned for Tom to attend with Nurse Supervisor Brenda Wedemayer.
On September 10, 2019, Tom was hunting with Brenda over a food plot and as shooting hours approached, the deer starting coming out of the woods. A short time later, Tom was successful in harvesting a buck deer after Brenda and he determined a safe shot was possible, steadied his aim, and took a shot with the deer being found a short distance away. We all were very excited to say the least and Tom was smiling from ear to ear! After harvesting the deer, Warden Supervisor Dremel and Warden Kernosky worked with Tom and Brenda to field dress the deer and take multiple pictures with the group. It was a great, safe hunt, and one that all of us will remember!
In order to further celebrate the hunt with multiple other Veterans and DVA staff, Warden Supervisor Dremel, Warden Kernosky, and I had the honor of attending our first annual “Deer Camp” at the King Veteran’s home on November 25, 2019. In addition to stories shared and memories made, we were able to reunite with Tom and Brenda as well as meet many of the Veterans in attendance and talk with them about the Wisconsin DNR and their hunting memories!
I would also like to introduce Ethan Herman of Mosinee. Ethan is a young man who has become an avid outdoorsman and is also very active in the Empowered Dream Hunts organization whose founder, Joe Ramsey of Mosinee, worked closely with the WDNR to make the Learn to Hunt happen for him! After working with Joe, along with Ethan and his family, Ethan was able to join us for the Learn to Hunt along with his father, Ryan.
After a range safety time at the local Chain O’ Lakes Conservation Club, both father and son joined me on October 27, 2019 to hunt over a food plot from an elevated tower stand. After having had “close calls” during a previous hunt after Ethan had made the safe decision to not harvest a deer during their hunt as a safe shot did not provide itself, the deer started moving out into the food plot with plenty of time to spare! A short time later, Ethan was able to safely and ethically harvest a buck, and after a short track, the deer was located and Ethan took the opportunity to learn how to field dress the deer with Ryan’s guidance. We then had the opportunity to take several pictures while Ethan posed with his harvest. Both Ethan and Ryan were very grateful to have been able to hunt on the amazing property and they were very excited to have venison for their family!
Doug Mielke - Mosinee, WI - 20 pt - 192 inch
Barry Gruen - Marshfield, WI - 18 pt - 204.5 inch
Kevin Churkey-Madison, WI - 13 pt - 150 7/8 inch
Empowered Dream Hunts, Inc
211509 Sandy Ln, Mosinee, WI 54455, US
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